Mayor's Money Affiliate Program Details
Mayors Money has been bringing scorching action and paying webmasters on time since 1996. You can bank on that kind of experience. Over the years, they've learned that a flexible range of payouts works best for everyone. Their pay per signup program kicks back up to $40 a join for with active members and console-free options too. Their revshare option pays 65% for life with consoles and 60% without. MayorsMoney will even keep things fresh with special offers and bonus payouts. And brings unique promos too, including such fun tools as a webcam simulator and a handwritten sign generator.
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1 Sites In The Mayor's Money Affiliate Network
Reader Comments: (3 posts)
Genis says: Waaay back when I set up a Google Account that I never like the name for and was able to finally cterae a new one that I've used ever since (for my Gmail and GWT), but my AdSense is still under the original account; will I ever be able to merge them b/c I still dread having to change all those page snippets and losing that history - unless you can explain an easier way... TIA. |
September 24th, 2013 at 10:43pm EST Rating: |
Janesa says: Inhgtsis like this liven things up around here. |
September 23rd, 2013 at 2:17pm EST Rating: |
Cayden says: IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of tnhigs like that? |
June 30th, 2011 at 11:45am EST Rating: |